YTU Electrical Engineering 1994 alumni gathered at YTU Yıldız Technopark. The event began with introductory sessions held at the YTU Yıldız Technopark conference hall. The opening speech was delivered by the General Manager of YTU Yıldız Technopark, Associate Professor Muhammet Garip. He provided information about the technopark ecosystem, entrepreneurship activities, and the contributions of the YTU Foundation. Following his speech, Associate Professor Muhammet Garip announced scholarship opportunities for students. A video summarizing the technopark's activities was then shown.
Scholarship Opportunities Highlighted by YTU Alumni Association
During the alumni reunion, the President of the YTU Alumni Association, Fatih Ece, shared details about the association's ongoing activities. He emphasized the impact of the scholarships organized by the association on students’ academic and social development. Participants had the opportunity to learn more about these scholarship programs and contribute to these projects.A Historical Journey Through University Heritage
The program continued with a presentation on the history of the university by Assistant Director of the Sultan Abdulhamid II Research and Application Center, Lecturer Elif Tuğçe Kurt. Following the presentation, participants joined a guided tour of the university's historical buildings, led by Lecturer Elif Tuğçe Kurt.
During the tour, alumni explored the historical atmosphere of the Davutpaşa Campus and visited significant sites such as the Sancak Pavilion, Otağ-ı Hümayun, Stone Building, Historical Bath, and the YTU Museum. Participants gained detailed insights into the historical importance of these structures and their contributions to the development of the university.
A Spirit of Unity and Solidarity
The YTU Electrical Engineering 1994 alumni gathered at this event to embark on a nostalgic journey while contributing to the university and future engineers. This meeting strengthened the sense of unity and solidarity among the alumni.